Supreme Bouquet
Supreme Bouquet by Yves Saint Laurent is an Amber Floral fragrance for women and men.
No opulence is complete without praise to white flowers and Supreme Bouquet is Yves Saint Laurent’s modernized floral icon for the range created by master perfumer Dominique Ropion. The opening of pink peppercorns and bergamot give birth to a sheer and delicate white and yellow flowers combo that brings a spring sunny day afternoon to mind. Tuberose and ylang-ylang form the essence of sunrays, while a subtle woody amber base with patchouli and amber accord register for a sublime complete flora.
Release Year: 2017
Nose: Dominique Ropion
Top notes: Bergamot, Pink Pepper.
Middle notes: Tuberose, Ylang-Ylang.
Base notes: Amber, Woody Notes, Patchouli.